Embracing Winter
I fully appreciate that, for some of you, this season truly is an ordeal to be struggled through or conquered, and, if that’s the case, please do whatever it is that you need to do to get through. However, for those of you for whom winter isn’t such a challenge, perhaps we could actually come to value and embrace these colder, shorter days and longer nights.
‘‘All of You is Welcome Here with Elise Girardin’’ on the Rector’s Cupboard Podcast
Our Executive Director, Elise Girardin, was a guest on the Rector’s Cupboard podcast where she shares more about The Woods Arts & Wellness, and discusses her practice of embodied therapy, helping people find healing and flourishing through connection and creativity.
What on Earth is Nature-Based Therapy?
It probably comes as no surprise to you that we at The Woods love the natural world. While we have each followed quite different paths to get to this place, we share an understanding of the sacredness of the planet, that we are intimately woven into the web of the natural world, and that we strive to live in ways that honour, heal, and protect all plants, animals, and landscapes.
The Arts, Creative Therapies, and Why They Matter
Children rarely worry about whether they are creative or not. They draw, paint, sing, dance, tell stories and don’t think about whether their creations are good or bad. Sadly, in many cultures, there comes a moment, often in early adolescence, when adults (parents, teachers, older siblings) start to evaluate what the child is creating and judge its worth.
Q&A with Jenny
We took a moment to connect with our wonderful team at The Woods Arts & Wellness by asking them a few questions about themselves and their passions. Here’s what Jenny graciously shared with us…
Q&A with Marcia
We took a moment to connect with our wonderful team at The Woods Arts & Wellness by asking them a few questions about themselves and their passions. Here’s what Marcia graciously shared with us…
Q&A with Keith
We took a moment to connect with our wonderful team at The Woods Arts & Wellness by asking them a few questions about themselves and their passions. Here’s what Keith graciously shared with us…
Q&A with Emily
We took a moment to connect with our wonderful team at The Woods Arts & Wellness by asking them a few questions about themselves and their passions. Here’s what Emily graciously shared with us…
“Come to the Woods for Here is Rest” – John Muir
Words from the founder on why and how The Woods Arts and Wellness came to be.
Q&A with Elise
We took a moment to connect with our wonderful team at The Woods Arts & Wellness by asking them a few questions about themselves and their passions. Here’s what Elise graciously shared with us…